In the past, MSM youth spent an entire session brainstorming our Community Covenant together. The word “covenant” is used throughout Scripture to define the relationship between the Lord and the people (examples: Abraham and Sarah, David, and Moses are all people with whom the Lord made a covenant or sacred promise). Covenant means that each person who participates has expectations (example: “I will be your God and you will be my people”) and responsibilities. We discussed both our responsibilities and expectations of one another and our responsibilities/expectations for how we will use the space.
We respect one another by:
Recognizing that each person is made in the Image of God, the Imago Dei
- We are friendly and kind to one another. We treat one another equally and with dignity.
- We do not use profanity. We do not bully or make fun of each other. We also do not gossip or speak poorly about people from school, friends outside of CrossWalk, celebrities, etc. No matter how muddied that image may be, we recognize that the image of God is in all people.
- We are welcome to joke and kid around with one another as long as those jokes do not insult anyone due to gender, race, culture, creed, sexual orientation, etc. and do not include innuendo.
Listening to each other
- We do not speak ill of other people or have side conversations when one person is speaking.
Respecting each person’s personal space
- We are not nosy. We listen/wait for an answer to our questions and respect one another’s opinions.
- Each person should feel comfortable to share information about themselves if they wish. Each person has the right to not share personal information or to ask that personal information not be shared with them.
- We do no physical harm to anyone (“keep your hands to yourself”).
- We respect one another’s personal property by not vandalizing, breaking, or borrowing without permission.
Participating fully in all CrossWalk activities
- We are all here to learn what is means to be disciples of Jesus. We are all here to have fun and make friends. Therefore, we will all participate in all activities to the best of our abilities.
- During gathering times, we will not use our phones or other devices. Exceptions are made on social nights or in the event that an immediate family member is trying to contact us. In this case, we will let a Core member know and are welcome to step aside.
- We will include a 5-10 minute “break” to have a snack and build community together.
We respect the Parish/Eden Center by:
Keeping the community space clean
- This means that we will clean up after ourselves after snacks and activities.
- We will not break, vandalize or remove parish property from the Eden Center.
Sharing our resources
- We are blessed to have so many resources available to us. We will show gratitude for the hospitality and resources provided to us.
- As good stewards we will share our resources and snacks with one another so that we are not wasteful.