Please Note:
Confirmation Date is typically assigned between December and January 2024-2025
Confirmation rehearsal is Wednesday, April 30th 7-8:30pm
Other Important Year 2 Dates & Reminders
- October 19 and October 20 Holy Family Church Fall Festival: Confirmation Candidates Volunteer to work our Booth
- October 31: Halloween Truck or Treat. Teens can volunteer to run a game.
- December 2024 – Adopt-A-Family, gift cards welcome
- March 4: Mardi Gras
- March 5: Ash Wednesday
- April 4-6: Confirmation 2 Retreat – Camp Buckhorn, Idyllwild.
- April 13: Palm Sunday
- April 13-April 19: Holy Week (Teens participate in the Good Friday Masses- Venerating the cross)
- May 2: Confirmation