About Us
CrossWalk Middle School Ministry (MSM) is a dynamic, service-based youth ministry program designed for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth. We seek to inspire middle schoolers to know Jesus and empower them to live as engaged, joyful disciples. We meet twice a month to discuss how we can reach out to those in need and together perform the corporal and spiritual works of mercy by participating in service projects and learning more about our faith.
Come Walk with Us!
WHEN – two Tuesdays per month AND Sundays when there are Family Faith Formation sessions (see the Schedule for exact dates and times).
- Please try to be on time !
WHERE – Holy Family Eden Center for service meetings and the Parish Hall for Family Faith Formation meetings.
- Family Faith Formation meetings start in the Hall next to the Church
- Other service meetings will be held in the Eden Center on the opposite side of Fremont Ave from the Church and Pastoral Center. The exact location is 1520 Fremont Ave. Just give us a call if you’re having trouble finding it (626-403-6148)! We meet between 7:00 – 8:30 pm.
HOW – CrossWalk provides almost everything needed for each service project!
- You just need to bring your creativity and enthusiasm. One exception would be if we do a drive of some kind collecting “gently used” items. We also have a lot of fun, playing games, pool, foosball etc.
- Fees each year are as follows:
- Holy Family parishioners is $150
- Out of parish $200.
- Please pay on the Holy Family Online Giving page (Crosswalk is under Youth Ministry)or make a check out to “Holy Family Church” and mail to the parish Pastoral Center (1527 Fremont Ave) Please don’t let financial need keep you from joining us! Let us know if you need accommodations or scholarships.
- Please complete additional release forms by clicking below.
Sacramental Preparation
If you have a middle schooler who has been baptized, but has not yet received the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and/or Eucharist (Communion), we will have a few family sessions to prepare for these sacraments. Please contact Dawn at dponnet@holyfamily.org for more information and to participate.
If you have a middle schooler who has NOT been baptized and you would like him/her to become a Roman Catholic, click here to read about our RCIA process for children and teens. (Dates will be updated for 2023 during the summer). Please contact Dawn Ponnet at dponnet@holyfamily.org for more information and to participate.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not the same registration for enrolling a child in Religious Education for grades 1-5 or a teen in Confirmation. If you have a child in grades 1-5, please contact the Religious Education office at 626-403-6118 or visit their website (hffaithformationforkids.org).