Palm Sunday

Jesus enters into Jerusalem, welcomed by the people with shouts of joy and praise. They laid palms at his feet.

Preparation for the Triduum
This is a time of preparation for the Passion of Christ- his life, death and resurrection – we recognize that we too, suffer, die and rise in many ways day by day. But let us remember that we are always in the arms of God who loves us and never abandons us.

Easter Triduum- Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday
Holy Thursday we recall the Last Supper with the image of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples. Today the priest still washes feet during the Mass.
Good Friday we celebrate the Passion of Our Lord. Jesus is betrayed by Judas and seized and brought before Pilate. Pilate does not find Jesus guilty but gave the people the choice of ,Jesus or a known insurrectionist Barabas. The crowd cried out “Take Him away and Crucify Him”. Standing by the cross was Jesus’ mother and the disciple whom He loved. Jesus said, “Women behold your son.”
Holy Saturday -In Church we watch as the Christ Candle is lit. We remember to renew the Baptismal promises made at our own baptism.
Easter Sunday
Today we hear the news of Jesus’ resurrection.
We are invited to experience the joy and hope of Easter. Let us think of the people in our own lives who who we might share the resurrection of Jesus with. Let us pray that Jesuys is in our own life today as we renew our own baptismal promises.
As we experience Holy week let us think about who we are like in this story. Are we like Simon Peter, afraid to acknowledge our faith, afraid to be considered a disciple, afraid to stand up for what we believe in? Are we like Judas, turning our back on Jesus? Perhaps we are the beloved disciple? How can we change? How can we be more prayerful? What will it take for us to be in communion with Him, to be that beloved disciple?