Holy Family Youth Ministry is a comprehensive youth program grounded in the mission of Jesus and the Catholic Church, directed toward growth as loving Christian disciples. We welcome ALL teens in high school, regardless of faith background and personal beliefs. EVERYONE is welcome! We offer teens many ways to have fun, grow personally, and spiritually as a direct reflection of Jesus’ heart.

On select Wednesdays of the Month, we will have Eden Hang Outs. This is a day where you can come hang out and bring friends. We may watch a movie, have a board game night, or just hang out. The Eden Center will be open from 7-8:30pm on those evenings. All high school teens are welcome!
We meet on select Wednesdays of the Month, click the link below for a more detailed schedule.
About two Sundays a Month, we will have Life Nights. These nights will begin after the 5:30pm Mass and end at 8pm. These nights will be an opportunity to have fun and learn more about our faith. These nights will be in the Eden Center.
We meet about two Sundays a month depending on the Confirmation Calendar. We begin after the 5:30pm Mass (approximately 6:45) and we end at 8pm. Click below for a more detailed schedule.

The first Thursday of the Month, we prepare meals for Union Station Adult Center. Join us in the St. Joseph Center Kitchen (building next door to Eden) at 4:00pm – 6:30 pm. Come to the back entrance of St. Josephs and ring the bell to be let into the building.
To sign up
To signup to volunteer and also bring food: CLICK HERE. We are always in need of volunteers to bring food and also to deliver the food.
Summer Events
Our summer events are over for the year. Check next summer for our summer outings!
Inspiration is a day at Magic Mountain where we have fun in the park and go on rides and the day ends with a big gathering in the park of Catholic teens. There is a speaker and liturgy. Inspiration this year is on Saturday, November 16th.
If you would like to attend the cost is $80. If you have a season pass, the cost is $45 to just purchase a wristband to the event.
Youth Day
Youth Day is a day where thousands of teens gather together to spend a day focused on Jesus. There are workshops, a rally, Mass with Archbishop Gomez. It is usually sometime in February or March. Next year, Youth Day is on Thursday, February 20th.
If you would like to attend, the cost is $50 and you can sign up below.

Youth Ministry Leadership
We are always looking for teens and adults to assist in our Youth Ministry programs. Whether you are leading a small group during Confirmation, hanging out during Eden Hang Outs, or attending retreats or other events with us; we are always looking for people to partner with us in growing our ministry.
What is the J.U.I.C.E. Team?
J.U.I.C.E. stands for Join Us In Christ Eternally!! This team is comprised of teens who have been confirmed and young adults who commit to making the Confirmation and Youth Ministry programs the best they can be. This team comes together to plan the retreats for Confirmation as well as being the small group leaders and speakers on retreat. This team meets on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of the Month for formation and planning. If you are confirmed and want to give back to the Confirmation and Youth Ministry programs then this team might be for you!
How Can I help
If you are a teen who has been confirmed, then the above J.U.I.C.E. Team is for you!
If you are an adult who feels the call to work with young people, then there are a couple of different things you could do to make our ministry grow.
- Pray – You can pray for the teens and our ministry.
- You can support us by helping us with single events. Driving to a special event or chaperoning a retreat.
- You may choose to help us on a regular basis. You can be an adult helper at our Eden Hang Outs, Youth Nights, or Confirmation Sessions.
- You can support the teens by donating so that teens can attend our events who may need monetary help to attend some of our events.
Please email rhernandez@holyfamily.org for any additional information.