Retreats are a time where we can “be still” and listen to how God is working in our lives. “Being still” in this very stimulated society can be quite challenging; nevertheless, it is essential for our spiritual growth! Teens will have the opportunity to select at least two retreats to attend during their two-year journey to the Sacrament of Confirmation. This will allow each candidate to unplug for a short time in order to spend quality time with themselves, their peers, and with God.
Teens will be asked to participate in at least one retreat each year with Holy Family. All participants in the retreat are expected to attend the entire retreat.

Year 1 Confirmation Retreat – All candidates will automatically be registered for this retreat.
When: Sunday, October 27th from 9am – end of 5:30pm Mass. Parents are invited to attend Mass with their candidate.
Where: Holy Family Church (South Pasadena, CA) – Eden Center
Drop off will be at Eden Center. Pickup on Sunday will be after the 5:30 pm Mass at Church. Parents please join us for Mass.
About: The Confirmation 1 Retreat allows the teens to reflect on the relationships in their lives. How is God a part of those relationships and how can we have a relationship with God like we have with other important people in our lives.
Sponsors will meet for a portion of this day as well and join their teen for Mass. Sponsors will arrive at 3:30pm to the Galilee Room and then meet their candidates for the 5:30pm Mass.
*The retreat fee includes meals and activity supplies
1. Register: As part of Confirmation, you are automatically registered for this retreat. If you cannot attend this retreat, please let Ray Hernandez know as soon as possible and you need to find another one day Confirmation retreat at another parish.
2. Pay for retreat: $75.00 Check payable to Holy Family mailed to 1527 Fremont Ave, S. Pasadena, CA 91030 or Pay for the retreat online: click here and then go down to Youth Ministry and under Confirmation tuition/fees enter the amount and on the next field enter your teen’s name and Retreat.
3. Release Form: The release form filled out at the beginning of the year, covers this retreat since it is held on the parish grounds.

Year 2 – Ultimate Gift Retreat
This retreat is run by Holy Family.
When: Friday, April 4 – Sunday, April 6th
Where: Camp Buckhorn (Idyllwild, Ca)
About: Teens in Year 2 will explore their relationships and the gifts they have received from God. Ultimately, teens will discover that they have the Light of Christ within them and how they can share that light with their community.
Please complete the following:
1. Register: As part of the Confirmation process, you are automatically registered for this retreat. If you cannot attend this retreat, please let us know as soon as possible. If you are unable to attend, you need to attend a weekend retreat at another parish.
2. Pay for retreat: $325 is due by December 31st. Fee goes up to $350 on January 1st – Teens will be placed in cabins. This retreat is organized and paid for through Holy Family. We are using the facilities at Camp Buckhorn.
Pay for the retreat online: Go to Online giving and scroll down to Confirmation and under Confirmation tuition and fees, enter the amount and in the other line type your teen’s name and Retreat. Click to Pay.
3. Sign documents: There are a few documents that need to be signed. We will have a parent meeting on Wednesday, January 22nd from 7-8:30pm.
Other parishes welcome our teens to attend their retreats.