We are so excited to have the opportunity to welcome all Candidates for the Fall.
General Information
Our one hour Family Information Sessions are: Sunday, August 27 at 4:00pm or Tuesday, August 29th at 7:00pm. Both Sessions will be held in the St. Joseph Center
We ask you for 15-30 minutes of your time so that we can meet with your family; generally at least one parent and the candidate. Please contact click here to set up an interview.
- Online Registration: Please be sure to include a copy of your baptismal certificate unless you were baptized at Holy Family.
- Liturgy is a part of Confirmation so please register to serve. Click Here. Our youth Mass is 5:30 pm
- Confirmation Covenant
- Memorializing form
- Medical Release Form*
- Sponsor Form
Complete all forms
- Guidelines for Adults Interacting with Minors Form
- Boundary Guidelines for High School Youth Working with Youth
- $300 fee for the two year process. (If you are out of the parish there is an additional $50 fee.) This can be mailed to Holy Family or paid to Youth Ministry through the ONLINE GIVING at www.holyfamily.org
- The medical release looks like it is only for people who take prescriptions; however Part B allows the Youth Ministry to administer medical assistance if needed. Please fill out the form above part A, if you take prescriptions fill out part B and please sign part B.
- Sponsor Commitment Form
There will be a General Information meeting to review the program at the beginning of the school year in Fall.
Expectations are that each candidate attends:
- Attend 12 sessions throughout the 2 years
- Attend 2 retreats (one each year)
- Be involved in a liturgical ministry throughout the 2 years and hopefully beyond
- Attend the 4 rites and rituals throughout the 2 years
- Attend 4 Youth Ministry activities throughout the 2 year (at least two each year)
- Complete a service project reflection by the end of the second year.