It is Holy Family’s hope that at the end of the 2-year Confirmation preparation process teens will…
- know they have a home at Holy Family and within the larger Catholic Church,
- believe that the Holy Spirit leads our church and is an advocate in their lives, and
- have participated with their households in…
- regular Sunday worship and liturgical ministry
- service to the wider community
- Faith Formation sessions
- Community Life events
Registration for 2024-2025 is now open!
Family Information Session – before beginning Year 1
We ask each family (BOTH parents AND teens) to attend one Family Information Session at the start of the program, before beginning Year 1. We’ll review the Confirmation preparation process, as well as offer time for Q&A. Please plan to join us for one of the following sessions:
- Confirmation Information Session #1 – Sunday, August 4, 2024 3:30 – 5:15pm.
- Confirmation Information Session #2 – Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 7-8:30pm.
Forms & Payment
There is a $325 fee for the two year process. The price increases to $375 after December 1st. If you are not parishioners at Holy Family, there is an additional $50 fee. (We also kindly ask that you have your pastor write us a letter giving his support of your family going through the process with us.) Checks can be made out to “Holy Family Church” with the memo “Confirmation registration” and mailed to Holy Family at 1527 Fremont Ave, South Pasadena, CA 91030. Or you can pay online by going to the Holy Family Giving page and scrolling down to “Youth Ministry.”
There are a number of important forms that you will need to complete before beginning the process and before attending a retreat. These forms will be filled out at your first interview and as the retreat comes up in second year.
Family Interviews – 3 total: First one July-August
We ask each family to sit down with us for an informal conversation to…
- Interview #1 – get to know each other at the start of the program.
- Interview #2 – check-in at the mid-point of the process,
- Interview #3 – before receiving the sacrament at the end of the process.
Please sign up for an interview by clicking the link: https://calendar.app.google/sor5V1PQwdZqTwTy7
Please contact us to schedule an interview if you do not find a date that is convenient- rhernandez@holyfamily.org
Year 1 Sessions
Each year there are formation sessions that are a part of the process. Teens attend on Sundays and attend the 5:30 pm Mass after the session. If a teen cannot attend on the given Sunday, most weeks have a Tuesday option from 7-8:30pm.
Year 2 Sessions
Each year there are formation sessions that are a part of the process. Teens attend on Sundays and attend the 5:30 pm Mass after the session. If a teen cannot attend on the given Sunday, most weeks have a Tuesday option from 7-8:30pm.
Liturgical Ministry – once a month
Being involved in Mass as a Liturgical Minister not only allows each teen to actively participate in the celebration by sharing their gifts, but it enriches the experience of the Mass for the entire community. Currently our teens are on a Team that serves once every 4 weeks.
We ask each teen to be involved in a Liturgical Ministry. There are many ways to participate, including being…
- an altar server
- an usher
- a greeter
- a lector (training date to be announced)
- a choir member or musician
- a video ministry team member
To learn more about each way of serving and to check on your team’s ministry schedule, click the button below.
Parents/Guardians- Volunteer Opportunities
We believe making disciples is the primary function of the Confirmation preparation. A few years ago a group of committed parents, catechists, and youth ministry people gathered to make plans for a meaningful and enriching confirmation prep process. Over and over again we read, discussed, and discovered that if you want teen disciples, work with the teens AND their families. Discipleship begins at home.
Faith formation is part of what we do as Catholic families of faith.
Parents/guardians who would like their teens to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation make a commitment to their teen, to the parish community, and to themselves to be a part of this preparation process. This includes:
- Keeping your teen and all those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation in prayer.
- Attend one Information Session to understand the Confirmation process.
- Attend the 5:30 pm Mass (or whatever Mass you normally attend) with your teen.
- Help your teen participate in a liturgical ministry.
- Volunteering as a Confirmation small group leader, Head Usher, Retreat assistant, food preparation, Confirmation day helper for Year 2 or Youth Ministry core team member.
Please contact the Faith Formation team if you are interested in being on the team for Confirmation or Youth Ministry – rhernandez@holyfamily.org
Retreats – Minimum 1 per year through Holy Family
Teens will attend at least one retreat per year during their two-year journey.
This will allow each candidate to unplug for a short time in order to spend quality time with themselves, their peers, and with God. Please click below for more information about upcoming retreats.
Rites & Rituals – 4 total
As the candidates prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, they will celebrate three special rites with their sponsors and the larger community at Sunday Eucharist. During the Easter season of their second year, the candidates will ask for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will post these dates below and in each respective year’s schedule page as soon as the dates are determined. Please click below to learn more about the details of the day of the Sacrament of Confirmation Mass or for other rites/rituals during Year 1 or Year 2.
Service Project & Reflection
Serving others is one essential way that we put our faith into action.
We ask each candidate to complete at least one service project. A service project can be almost any activity for four hours (in a row or over separate dates). The teen candidates then complete personal reflections about their time of service and turn them in at least one month before being confirmed (or sooner–no need to wait!). We highly recommend that teens complete their reflection right after their time of service. Please use the reflection guide below.
Each family’s plans for service will be discussed at the first Family Interview. The opportunities to serve in our community are endless! The numerous ministries at Holy Family Church and the needs of our local communities provide various options for candidates and their families to find meaningful ways to serve together.
Don’t know where to begin? Check out a list we’ve compiled of local organizations who need your help! Click below.
Service – Union Station
The first Thursday of every month we provide and cook food for the Union Station Adult Center on Raymond Ave. There are about 40 meals required each month. Join us in St. Joseph Center Kitchen at 4 pm until 6:30 pm to prepare the food. Come to the rear of St. Josephs and ring the bell to join us. To sign up to volunteer or provide food please CLICK HERE. Donated food needs to be delivered prior to 4:00 pm at the Eden Center if you are not able to participate in the preparation. Thank you to all our parent and teen volunteers. Click here for more information.
Sponsor – chosen by Confirmation 1 Retreat of Year 1
Confirmation can be a great experience, and hopefully you (Confirmation teen) have thought a lot about what this sacrament means and how the Holy Spirit will affect your life. You’ll be required to have a sponsor—someone who will guide you and share the story of faith with you. A good sponsor will make this process a little easier and even more fun.
If all has gone as planned, the best person will be one of your baptismal godparents. The Catechism (#1311) and Canon Law (#892-893) both tell us that you need a sponsor. Having godparents helps us to see how Baptism and Confirmation are connected. In some cases, teen candidates no longer know their godparents. Maybe they just live too far away. You might need to choose a new sponsor.
Some advice, teens: look for someone you trust, whose faith you admire, and who will be there for you. He/she must be…
- a confirmed Catholic
- at least 16 years old
- a practicing member of the Catholic Church
- not your parents
This means you can choose a relative, friend, or someone from your parish as your sponsor. Please choose a sponsor and have them fill out the form below by October 20th of Year 1.
1st Year Confirmation Candidates please send your sponsor the link above so they can fill out the commitment form.
Youth Ministry Activities
As a way to help teens experience the community of faith they are becoming fully initiated into, we ask that they participate in three Youth Ministry activities each year.